Blog #8
I want to make a brief introduction so that you can understand easily.
Redis is simply a database, for me, it is the place I use to store less important things like cache.
In addition, it combines with Sidekiq
very powerfully, it helps Sidekiq
to save queues, processes, cron jobs…
This blog of mine will guide you to put them together.
is used to handle background jobs (asynchronous jobs).Sidekiq
has the ability to handle multiple jobs concurrently, helping to get the job done quickly.
works with 2 main threads. Those are sidekiq_client
and sidekiq_server
# Sidekiq Client
# Sidekiq Server
Add to Gemfile
# Sidekiq and Redis
gem 'sidekiq', '~> 5'
gem 'sidekiq-cron'
# Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production
gem 'redis', '~> 4.5.1'
$ bundle install
Open the file config/application.rb
and add this line:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
Create new file config/initializers/sidekiq.rb
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.redis = { url: "redis://{ENV['REDIS_PORT']}" }
config.on(:startup) do
schedule_file = 'config/schedule.yml'
Sidekiq::Cron::Job.load_from_hash YAML.load_file(schedule_file) if File.exist?(schedule_file)
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.redis = { url: "redis://{ENV['REDIS_PORT']}" }
Open the file routes.rb
and add this line:
require 'sidekiq/web'
require 'sidekiq/cron/web'
If you want to authenticate for administrator when open sidekiq
page, puts this line in your routes.rb
authenticate :administrator do
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'
Config sidekiq
setting in config/sidekiq.yml
:verbose: false
:pidfile: ./tmp/pids/
:logfile: ./log/sidekiq.log
:concurrency: 5
:concurrency: 10
:concurrency: 20
- critical
- default
- low
After start Rails
server, start Sidekiq
server by command line:
$ bundle exec sidekiq -e development -C config/sidekiq.yml
Enqueue the job:
: enqueue the job currently.
: enqueue the job after a period of time.
VocabularyJob.set(wait_until: 3.hours).perform_later('hello')
# Push job to queue immediately
# Take up the queue and soak for 3 hours, it's a waste of space!
VocabularyJob.set(wait: 3.hours).perform_later('hello')
# Push job to schedule
# After 3 hours push the job to queues => don't waste space
def caching_limit
Rails.cache.fetch('chat_gpt_call_times', expires_in: 1.minute) do
If you call the caching_limit
method for the first time it will save it to Redis
and count down time.
And the next time you call caching_limit
in time during its lifetime, it will get the initialization value to use, and no need to re-run the code inside.
You can read the cache values through Redis
or via Rails'chat_gpt_call_times')
And you can also update its value:
Rails.cache.write('chat_gpt_call_times', "1/#{}", expires_in: 1.minute)