Datpmt's Blog

Personal Website & Blog

About Me

My full name is Trần Đăng Đức Đạt, just call me Datpmt.

I was born and raised in a rural area in Vietnam, I attended high school and university in Ho Chi Minh city. I am very passionate about technology and electronics, I have been creating my own products since elementary school. I was planning to major in electronics at Bach Khoa University but the pretext pushed me to major in computer science :>

You can find me on , or on .

My Blogs

This is a list of my recent blog posts/articles. You can also subscribe to my e-mail newsletter of my blog posts here.

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My Projects

These are some of my projects, you can find all of them on my .


Check Typos in Pull Request

  • Automatically detects typos in files changed in a pull request.
  • Comments on the pull request with a list of typos found and suggested corrections.
  • Approves the pull request if no typos are detected.
  • Dismisses PR approvals if a new commit contains a typo.
  • Removes outdated typo comments when new commits are made.
  • Supports all programming languages.

Google Translate Free API

Supports APIs related to Google Translate and more!. Let read the document and use it <3.

  • Translation: Get direct translations of vocabulary words or text fragments.
  • Alternate Translations: Extract an array of alternative translations of any text.
  • Definitions: Identify definitions of the keyword by word type (noun, verb, adjective, etc.).
  • Examples: Generate single-sentence examples containing the valid keyword.
  • Transliteration: Acquire the transliteration of a keyword string.
  • Spelling Suggestions: Get suggested corrections for spelling of vocabularies or texts.
  • Language Detection: Determine the text source language with precision score.
  • Keyword Suggestions: Discover suggested keywords for more detailed search.


This is a free application and must not be used for commercial purposes. DATPMT disclaims all litigation related to unauthorized use.

English With Datpmt

Learn English for free with grammar exercises with detailed answers, bilingual readings, and your own vocabulary lists to study and review your vocabulary. Combined with Google Translate API.